However large or small your event is, we can help. As a CQC registered provider, we offer event medical cover at a variety of different levels for a diverse range of events. Whatever your requirements, we are happy to provide a no obligation quote.
Before your event we are happy to assist you in your planning. We provide a full risk analysis for your event and advise on the level of event medical cover required. We will then discuss this with you, and provide a customised and cost effective plan of medical cover which is best for your individual event.
At your event we offer a reliable and comprehensive medical cover, with experienced and uniformed operatives. We are able to meet the needs of any event across the UK, from a small village fete requiring a couple of responders, through to an equestrian event requiring an off-road stretcher carrying 4×4 response vehicle, or a large game and country fair, festival or sporting event requiring paramedics, ambulances, medical treatment point and a full event medical cover team.
We currently cover a wide range of events, including:
– Marathons/half marathons/10Ks
– Riding events, from BE eventing to Pony Club camps
– Music festivals
– Stream fairs
– Charity events
– Football tournaments
– Bonfires
– City Centre Safe Space cover
– Dog shows/ car shows/ air shows
– Village fetes
And many more…
As a CQC provider a key benefit we are able to offer is that we can legally provide on site ambulances in which we can treat if required and convey patients to hospital if necessary without reliance on NHS services. Vehicles are fully equipped frontline 999 vehicles